This is the front cover of The Sun newspaper.The headline of The Sun newspaper is split up into two main parts: the main headline ’HERE WE’ with the image of the model posed in the middle of the newspaper holding up the white banner saying ’GOAL!’in black positioned across the models chest,this draws attention to her body and the banner,the font of the word 'GOAL!' is different from the rest of the words on the newspaper to make is stand out and more eye-catching for its reader.
However because the dominant reader finds the front page and the section of the model more important then the rest of the cover they may not reader the rest of the headlines because that may not matter them,while the second headline on the newspaper is in much smaller print saying ’BLAIR:TRAP SET FOR BIN LADEN' in the top right corner for those readers that may not find the image of the model that interesting as much as the headline about Blair.
The composition of the text and the image suggest that the model is the subject matter and the most important subject matter on the newspaper so there for that the main part the readers look at first. This is because of the way the model is positioned(right in the middle of the page) and the text is positioned to fit around her and her body to draw the readers attention.The headline with the image is anchored by the strap line which is talking about the World Cup(football),this is all in polysemic because it is used as a sexual pun to attract more of the male readers.the combination of the World Cup and A Hot Model may gather readers for different reasons and they may react in different ways.
The image shot is a medium shot,to see the models body and the texts around her.In order to see her face and the parts of her body the print image is also a medium close up shot, to see her face clearly and that maybe visually pleasurable to the dominant or male readers.The Sun newspaper is a tabloid , aimed at band C1,C2 and maybe D class audiences.
Top lighting is used to accentuate the features of the model and to make her look more glamorous while looking into the camera , this highlights her face and body from the background so there for some readers may find the image pleasurable to look at.
However as there is an image of a half-naked woman, the heading could signify the idea of “scoring” or getting a woman for sexual pleasures.
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